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Anxiety - Wells Medicine


Advanced Treatments and Services for Anxiety

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Anxiety Treatments at Wells Medicine

We have procedures and services which can help with anxiety, including refractory or treatment resistant symptoms, alone or with depression, PTSD or other symptoms.

The Impact of Anxiety

Some anxious feelings are a common part of the human condition. These feelings become a problem when they significantly impact one’s ability to function normally – affecting regular activities such as work performance and relationships. Anxiety disorders affect around 8% of all adults (and around 15% of young adults) (CDC, Goodwin et al.)

Anxiety disorders often occur with mood disorders such as Depression (Saha et al.).

Symptoms and Types of Anxiety

Symptoms may vary from person to person.

Symptoms May Include

  • Persistent worry
  • Persistent or recurrent restlessness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Stomach aches, GI issues
  • Otherwise unexplained recurrent physical discomfort or pain
  • Panic attacks

Types of Anxiety Disorders Include

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder / GAD
  • Panic Disorder
  • Social Anxiety Disorder
  • Phobia-Related Disorders

Treatment Options for Anxiety at Wells Medicine

We offer advanced interventional treatments and services.

Ketamine Treatments

Ketamine IV infusions can provide rapid and sustained relief for anxiety. Ketamine infusions are an exceptional treatment option.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide inhalation treatments may provide relief for depression. They appear to operate in a similar way to ketamine. Their benefits include that patients do not require an IV and may drive themselves following a treatment.

TMS / Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

TMS is a non-invasive procedure that uses targeted magnetic field impulses to stimulate neurons in the brain. The TMS SAINT / Accelerated Protocol consists of 10 treatments a day for 5 consecutive days and is quicker than other forms of TMS and many other treatment options. It may be effective for about 70% to 80% of patients. TMS can be an excellent treatment option.

Psychiatry / Pharmacotherapy

Psychiatry is typically a key and foundational part of thorough care for depression. Evaluation, medication management and adjustments are important for anyone taking, or who might like to take, prescription medication for depression. We work on a referral basis with many psychiatrists and provide psychiatry services as well.

Psychotherapy / Talk Therapy

Psychotherapy can work well on its own or to improve or extend the results of other treatments. There is little substitute for the usefulness and versatility of talk therapy, and it can be indispensable for achieving and maintaining long-term mental health. We work on a referral basis with many therapists and provide therapy services as well.

Integrated Support

Integrated support with Wells Medicine is a combination of functional medicine and coaching designed to support and extend our care throughout more aspects of your life. Integrated Support can be an excellent addition if you believe you’d like more comprehensive support, or if you know you’d benefit from regular sustained guidance in addressing your mental health.

Multi-Modal Treatments

Multiple treatments in combination or series are often a good choice – whether finding the best treatment fit, trying a belt-and-suspenders approach, or taking advantage of synergies between treatments – such as using the benefits of neuroplasticity from ketamine infusions to pursue Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP).

Other Options and Referrals

Other treatments may be appropriate – from different types of talk therapy, group therapy, alternative therapies and experimental treatments or medical trials. We have a strong and growing referral network for our patients.

Why choose Wells Medicine for Anxiety Treatments?

At Wells Medicine you have access to advanced treatments and services backed by expertise, evidence-based medicine, and compassionate care. We’re accessible, we provide great value, and we care deeply about effective treatments for the benefit of our patients. We are an excellent option.

Next Steps

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